GitHub Instructions

Get image for latest Raspbian Jessie and download Etcher to burn it onto your SD card. Chose a Class 10 SD card, such as SanDisk Ultra 8GB Class 10 microSD card.

Get your Raspberry Pi, all versions of it should work. Most of the time ofxPiMapper is used with Raspberry Pi 3 model B. Insert the SD card into the SD card slot, connect keyboard, mouse, display and a network cable if you do not have a working WiFi network around.

Connect your Pi to a power source and wait for it to boot up. It will restart once during the first boot due to file system expansion which happens automatically.

From here on you should use your keyboard that is connected to the Raspberry Pi.

Download stable version of openFrameworks, which at the time of writing this is version 0.10.0.

mkdir openFrameworks
tar vxfz of_v0.10.0_linuxarmv6l_release.tar.gz -C openFrameworks --strip-components 1

Next, you have to install dependencies. Use the commands below. At some points of the installation the system will ask you whether you are sure that you want to install something. Hit y and Enter to proceed.

cd /home/pi/openFrameworks/scripts/linux/debian
sudo ./

Now you have all the components ready to be able to compile openFrameworks, but you need to make sure you have enough RAM allocated to do this. To configure this, do the following:

sudo raspi-config

Select 7 Advanced Options

Select A3 Memory Split

Type 64 and choose <ok>

You’re now ready to compile openFrameworks. Do that by using the following command.

make Release -C /home/pi/openFrameworks/libs/openFrameworksCompiled/project

Install git in order to be able to download addons from GitHub.

sudo apt-get install git

Go to openFrameworks addons folder and download ofxPiMapper and the ofxOMXPlayer dependency.

cd /home/pi/openFrameworks/addons
git clone
git clone

Install ofxOMXPlayer dependencies.

cd /home/pi/openFrameworks/addons/ofxOMXPlayer
sudo ./

Go to the ofxPiMapper example folder and compile it.

cd /home/pi/openFrameworks/addons/ofxPiMapper/example_basic

You might now need to increase the GPU memory partition to run ofxPiMapper. Type the following:

sudo raspi-config

Select 7 Advanced Options

Select A3 Memory Split

Type 128 and choose <ok>

When compiling is done, launch the example (use the -f flag to launch it fullscreen) and have fun!

cd bin
./example_basic -f

Don’t forget to check out the shortcuts on the GitHub repository. Check out the example_pocketvj if you want to make a version with your own shortcuts.